Mediterranean wAter management solutions for a sustainable aGriculture supplied by an Online collaborative platform


Duration: 36 months. May 2021 - April 2024.

Status: Ongoing

Budget: 2,500,000 €

Funding program:


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Link to project site

MAGO aims to improve Integrated Water Resources Management to contribute to a sustainable agriculture in the Mediterranean by incrementing the efficiency of the water use in the sector, especially by relying on alternative water resources and adaptive measures to climate change. This will be achieved primarily by implementing a novel system of user and stakeholder involvement for the development of short-term climate services, through the use of existing weather prediction tools (Copernicus…) and other technologies (Sentinel, models, …).

Moreover, MAGO aims to help eliminate the main barriers that prevent the diffusion and adoption of innovation results, by creating a novel collaborative platform to deliver free, open and marketable Web applications for the Mediterranean Region (WEMED).

The solutions developed by MAGO are demonstrated in participatory processes in 4 sites, in Tunisia, Spain, France, and Lebanon.

MENBO’s main role in the Project is to identify and consult with Mediterranean stakeholders and end users of the water sector to help provide recommendations in order to adjust the project to the needs of end users. MENBO equally participates in the dissemination of the more relevant results among its members and different relevant conferences (Mediterranean Water Forum…), as well as in the context of the 5+5 Water Strategy and within the International Network of Basin Organisations.

MENBO is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Project.


Organisation Country
CETAQUA (Centro Tecnológico del Agua) SPAIN
INRAE (Institut national de la recherche agronomique) FRANCE
AB (Aigües de Barcelona) SPAIN
CSIC-IDAEA (Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research) SPAIN
UTH (University of Thessaly) GREECE
INRGREF (Institut National de Recherches en Génie Rural, Eaux et Forêts) TUNISIA
AUB (American University of Beirut) LEBANON
CHAHTECH (Chahbani Technologies SA) TUNISIA
EZZAYRA (Ezzayra Solutions) TUNISIA
AMB (Metropolitan Area of Barcelona) SPAIN