2nd UNESCO course! on July, 17th and 18th. More info here.

Contact Us

Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar

Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar

MENBO’s Technical Secretariat is based in the Júcar River Basin Authority in Valencia (Spain).


Secretaría Técnica Permanente de la REMOC
Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar
Despacho 8942 (5ª)
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez 48, 5ª
46010 Valencia - SPAIN

Email: remoc1@remoc.org
Telephone: +34 963 938 942
Fax: +34 961 125 750

Google Maps

How to reach us

By metro

Please find information of the metro in Valencia or a map in pdf.

From the airport you can take line 3 till station Facultats or line 5 till station Aragón and then walk 5 minutes to the Júcar River Basin Authority.

By taxi

Auto - Taxis: + 34 963 959 560
Onda - Taxi: + 34 963 475 252
Radio - Taxi: + 34 963 703 333