
MENBO, the Mediterranean Network of Basin Organisations, was created in the year 2003 as a regional network of INBO (the International Network of Basin Organisations).


MENBO’s main objective is to promote an integrated water resources management in the Mediterranean Basin, as an essential tool for a sustainable development.

To accomplish this objective MENBO seeks:

  • To develop lasting relationships among water management organisations in the Mediterranean region, and exchange information between them
  • To facilitate the implementation of water management tools
  • To develop information and training programmes
  • To encourage population’s awareness on water management related issues
  • To promote integrated water resource management in international programmes
  • To evaluate on-going members’ actions
  • To strengthen relations among MENBO members
  • To develop joint activities of regional interest


MENBO Members may be Basin Organisations, governmental administrations in charge of water management, and bi- and multilateral cooperation agencies. Members of MENBO are also considered INBO members. In addition to Member organisations, other types of public organisations can become “permanent observers” of the network.

Current organisation members of MENBO come from: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey. New members are always very welcome and may contact the Permanent Technical Secretariat of MENBO for further information.

MENBO members

MENBO members


President Mr Miguel Polo Cebellán Mr Miguel Polo Cebellán
Permanent Technical Secretary Mr Emilio Real Llanderal Mr Emilio Real Llanderal

During the 12th General Assembly of MENBO, the Presidency of MENBO was transferred from Malta to Spain, which will hold this position for the next two years. Mr. Marc García, Water Commissioner of the Jucar River Basin Authority, was appointed MENBO President.

On 24th February 2020, in accordance with article 25 of the Statutes of MENBO, Mr. Miguel Polo Cebellán was appointed the new Permanent Technical Secretary of MENBO by the President of the Júcar River Basin Authority.

Permanent Technical Secretariat

Mr Ramiro Martínez Costa Mr Ramiro Martínez Costa
Ms Nuria Rodríguez Murillo Ms Nuria Rodríguez Murillo

Elements of MENBO

MENBO is composed of:

  1. General Assembly: It is made up of all members of the Regional Network. Approves admission of new members, activities, joint projects and accounts among other tasks.
  2. The Bureau: It is made up of the President of the Regional Network, and representatives of organisations from a country approached by the General Assembly. The Bureau prepares meetings and approves agendas for the General Assemblies, carries out decisions made by the General Assembly, and coordinates joint projects among other tasks.
  3. The Regional Network’s President: Represents the Regional Network. Convenes the General Assembly and sets its agenda among other tasks.
  4. The Regional Network’s Secretariat: It is designated by the General Assembly for four years on proposal of the Liaison Bureau. It prepares documents needed for meetings, writes reports of meetings, directs the Network and follows up the implementation of joint projects among other tasks.
  5. The Council of Experts: It is made up of known qualified personalities that are consulted on issues related to integrated water resource management at the level of River Basins in the Region.