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8th Meeting of the Water Expert Group (WEG). Union for the Mediterranean


February 1, 2018

The 8th Meeting of the WEG of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) was the first meeting convened after the approval by the UfM Senior Officials on December 11th, 2017, of the 4 priority areas for the UfM Water Agenda. The meeting served to discuss the draft work programmes on the Nexus Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems and on Water and migration. The Group also debated the other two priority areas of the programme, namely Climate change and adaptation, and Water access and sanitation.
The UfM gathers 43 countries, from the European Union, Norh Africa and the Middle East of the Mediterranean area. The creation of the Water Expert Group (WEG)was mandated by the Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Water (December 22nd, 2008, Dead Sea, Jordan) and confirmed by the UfM Ministerial declaration on Water (Malta, 2017). The WEG is comprised of high level representatives from the relevant Ministries and convenes twice a year counting on the participation as well of regional institutions, IFIs and stakeholders as observers.