2nd UNESCO course! on July, 17th and 18th. More info here.

5th Meeting of the Water Expert Group (WEG), Union for the Mediterranean

Water Expert Group

November 23, 2015

The Fifth Meeting of the Water Expert Group (WEG) of the Union for the Mediterranean took place in Luxembourg on 23 and 24 November 2015. The meeting aimed at relaunching a regular regional dialogue on water issues of common interest, building on the Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Water held at the Dead Sea, Jordan, in December 2008 as well as on the previous WEG that took place in Barcelona in 2011. The agenda included information and dialogue sessions on: - Water resources challenges and responding management efforts in the region; - Show cases on Integrated Water Resource Management application at national, local and transboundary levels; - Insights on the Water-Food-Energy-Environment Nexus, adaptation-mitigation co-benefits through Nexus approaches, and IWRM/ICZM integration; - Water financing, investment and economics.