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Technical workshop on the Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform Project


March 10, 2014

The partners of the Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform Project, met on 10th March 2014 in the headquarters of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), Barcelona, in order address the state of play of the advancement of the Project. More specifically, the meeting objectives were twofold: update the situation in the pilot countries, and specify financial contributions and the Strategy for seeking external funds.

This Project includes two components, namely the creation of national water information systems, led by the International Water Office (OIEau), and the elaboration of a Mediterranean White Paper on Water, as a regional reference framework, led by MENBO. The White Paper will be an integrating publication with references on water in the Mediterranean region, including an assessment of water resources, environmental requirements, water demand in different sectors and regional water balances, as well as major policies and programs of measures applied in the countries of the Mediterranean basin.

Please find the Agenda, the Working Document, the MENBO Presentation, and the Synthesis of the Project.