20th Anniversary of MENBO! More info here.

1st MENBO General Assembly


November 10, 2003

From 10th to 13th November 2003, in Valencia (Spain) MENBO, jointly with the Jucar River Basin Authority, INBO, and the Global Water Partnership Med, organised its first General Assembly, together with an International Conference on water resources management and the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The main objectives of the Conference were to promote the exchange of information on topics related to water management and to present MENBO as the new regional network of INBO (International Network of Basin Organisations).

Notably, during this conference, the participants decided to set up, within INBO’s framework, a “group of European basin organisations for implementing the WFD” (Europe-INBO), open to all other water bodies interested in the European Union and bordering countries wishing to be associated. This Group established as its main objective to facilitate the implementation of the WFD.

A total of 140 participants attended the conference, representing governmental administrations, basin organizations and non-governmental organizations coming from various countries (Albania, Belgium, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Macedonia, Morocco, Moldavia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Swiss, Ukraine, United Kingdom) and the European commission.

Please find the Information Sheet in English, the Information Sheet in Spanish, and the Information Sheet in French of the meeting.