2nd UNESCO course! on July, 17th and 18th. More info here.

19th EURO-INBO International Conference


December 8, 2021

The 19th International Conference of the Europe-INBO was held at the invitation of the Energy and Water Agency (EWA) of Malta, from Wednesday 8th, to Friday 10th of December 2021.

Organizations, administrations and other stakeholders interested in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) at basin level participated in the event and shared their experiences on the implementation of European Water Directives. An Official Opening Session took place in the presence of:

Subsequently, 4 different Panel Sessions were organised, which addressed the following themes:

Session 1: Engaging basin actors in the evaluation and evolution of Water Directives; Session 2: Economic tools for basin management: integrating environment and biodiversity in cost-recovery; Session 3: Sustainable quantitative management of water resources for climate change adaptation and biodiversity preservation; Session 4: International Cooperation and basin management.

Moreover, a Workshop on Digital Technology was held, which focussed on digital solutions and different Projects that contribute to the implementation of the Water Directives.

Please find here the Programme of the Conference, the Declaration of Malta and the presentations of the meetings:

Sesion Presentation Speaker
1 Danube River Commission Zavadsky
1 South Baltic Water District Authority Valman
1 ERA of Malta Rizzo
1 Scheldt River Commission Dhaene
1 Basin Artois-Picardy Ledoyen
2 Duero Basin González
2 Loire-Brittany Water Agency Mesland
2 EWA of Malta Ellul
2 Castelo do Bode Watershed Vale
2 Fenarive Lecussan
3 EWA of Malta Schembri
3 OIEau on Project Eau&Climat Siauve
3 University of Malta Gatt
3 Guadalquivir Basin Páez
3 Romanian Ministry of Environment Constantin
3 Ardour-Garonne Basin Committee Legube
4 Rhine River Commission Heintz
4 EWA of Malta Debattista
4 Danube River Commission Kovacs
4 Meuse Commission Pansera
4 Austrian Environment Agency Zinke
4 Drin River Basin Mirta