12th EURO-INBO International Conference
The 12th Conference of the “EUROPE-INBO” group, took place in Bucharest, Romania, from 12th to 15th November 2014. It gathered 134 participants, representatives of national administrations and basin organizations as well as of NGOs, companies, and international and regional organizations, coming from 33 countries. The work of the 12th “EUROPE-INBO 2014” International Conference was organized around four successive roundtables addressing the following issues:
- Preparation of the WFD 2nd Basin Management Plans (2016 - 2021);
- Presentation of the results of the Workshop on Natural Water Retention Measures and River Restoration as well as the studies and guidance developed within the CIS;
- Implementation and funding of Programmes of Measures;
- Water governance in Transboundary Basins: WFD International Districts; Role and means of International Commissions; Bi and Multilateral Agreements and Conventions.
Please find the Programme, the Declaration and the Presentation of the Júcar Basin of the meeting.